Friday, February 19, 2010

Hope Secondary School: 2008-2009

By creating this blog, I hope to answer the recent questions/ suggestions of some of my HSS ex-students who want to continue having access to their last year's works (because the school's server is not currently working).
I haven't found -yet-a way to display the IT projects posted on our website because they require too much space on my server. I hope that the students who wanted to still be able to see them on-line are not very disappointed:)

I am happy if my electronic resources -which I mention below- can be useful to other teachers. Therefore anybody is more than welcome to use them.

Some of the students' works and YRBK pages, as well as some resources I created for the IT classes, can be found on the website we created during the academic year 2008-2009 ( that has never been completed because I left the school).

Extracts from the Yearbook pages:
Yearbook team
New Teachers' page
With respect to technology Integration in my Math classes ( one of my old passions, as you can see from the next entry of this blog) , I couldn't do much at HSS.
However, in my computer studies courses, we used our webdesign knowledge from IT classes to gather the Animation projects in a website - as a final project for the Animation course, at the end of the semester . ( see here only a few final projects)

If you want more ideas such as the one above -in terms of cross-disciplinary projects/ technology integration in your classes , you might find useful this website.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hello! Abel here, I enjoy to continue having my works online and being able to show them to everybody. Thank you for keeping this! Now I'm able to finally see my old animations :D
. Hope everyone's had a great spring break!

Monday, March 15, 2010  
Blogger maria vasiliu said...

Hello Abel!
You are welcome! I am still looking for the other Animation works you asked me about; unfortunately I don't think I kept them all. I hope you have a good academic year and I wish you good luck!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010  

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